2024 Program Statistics

80% of graduates will report satisfaction with the quality and efficacy of instruction, curriculum, assessment, teaching pedagogies, and instructional resources.

  • As evidenced by the Class of 2024 graduate survey, 100% of students reported satisfaction with quality of instruction.

80% of entering new students will graduate.

  • 87% of the Class of 2024 graduated.

80% of graduates will be pursuing a higher degree or employed in the field of dentistry within 6 months of completion.

  • 100% of graduates of the class of 2023 were employed in the field of dentistry within ninety days of completion (Statistics on the graduating class of 2024 was not yet available at the time of this self study).

90% of graduates will pass the Dental Hygiene National Board and Regional Board exams on the first attempt.

  • 88% of the class of 2024 passed the National Board on the first attempt
  • 85% of the class of 2024 passed the Regional Board on the first attempt

80% of employers will report satisfaction with readiness skills and content preparation of graduates.

  • Although response rate is low, 100% of employers of the class of 2023 reported satisfaction with graduates 

2024 Application Statistics

  • Average ACT for top 30 accepted: 30
  • Average GPA for top 30 accepted: 3.36